During the period under review, the Directorate of Students coordinated an awareness seminar on National Law Week. The seminar was held on 26th January 2024 and 250 students attended the session. The facilitators were a team of lawyers including the Dodoma Resident Magistrate Hon. Koku J Menemile, Mr Isaac Mwaipopo from Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) and Mr Mwilongo Albino Tenge from the Director of Public Prosecution Office. The main purpose of this seminar was to educate the public on various matters related to criminal justice. It is expected that having a population who know of their rights, the judiciary system will manage to provide better service to the public. Among others, the seminar covered various topics including the Marriage Act and Cybercrime. The presenters strongly urged students to be good citizens responsible for their rights by understanding all the college rules and regulations governing their life at college like those of examination misconduct and students by laws. Asked them to make sure whenever they are subjected to them all procedure is exhausted. By so doing they will be creating a culture of living in a society where justice prevails.