
Urbanisation, Crime Threat and Coping capacity in the Context of Motorcycle Taxi Riding Operations

Motorcycle taxi riding operation is increasingly becoming a vibrant livelihood opportunity resulting from urbanisation. It has employed a reasonable number of youths in the urban settings of Tanzania. However, the business has been confronted with the crime threat whereby riders either become victims or agents of the crime. Accordingly, the overall aim of this project which is funded by REPOA is to get a better understanding of the crime situation in the context of motorcycle taxi riding operations in order to determine strategies for alleviating the crime. Specifically the study intends to ascertain nature and dynamics of crime related to the motorcycle taxi riding operations; examine the crime victims’ coping strategies and the capacity to cope with the crime and assess initiatives undertaken by different stakeholders towards counteracting motorcycle taxi riding operations related crime. This work will be carried out in Dar es Salaam and Coast region. A mixed methods approach will be utilised and data will be collected using review and analysis of documents, guided questionnaire, observation technique, in-depth interviews and FGD with relevant respondents

This research is of great importance for policy and knowledge enhancement in the area of urban livelihood with specific focus on motorcycle taxi riders in the global south and Tanzania in particular. Research community and policy makers world-wide, in the East African region and particularly in Tanzania will benefit from the useful knowledge and policy resources related to motorcycle taxi business. The study further will inform security forces on nature of crimes committed by and against motorcycle taxi riders, their nature and how they are coordinated. It will also inform forces on how effective have the interventions taken by the police been effective or less effective in combating the crime. The study will contribute to attaining Sustainable Development Goal number eleven focusing on making cities and human settlement inclusive, safe resilient and sustainable, as well as goal number eight seeking to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and descent work for all. It further attempts to attain the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 specifically on the aspects of high quality livelihood as well as peace stability and unity (United Republic of Tanzania, 1999).

Research Team

Dr. Emmanuel J. Munishi     -  PI
Mr. Mubarck H. Kirumirah    -  Co PI
Ms. Unice F. Nyange            -  Researcher
Mr. Ibrahim Issa                   -  Researcher